2024年1月29日 星期一





加拿大統計局的研究指出,在被訪的新移民中,73%感覺生活滿意,20%没有明確表示,而7%卻表示不滿意(註一);同時,由於他們的社會經濟條件不及土生居民,所以整體生活滿意度(life satisfaction)亦較後者低(註二)。「民生促進會」的研究也發現,在被訪的華裔居民中,37%表示不滿意他們的生活,感覺滿意的只有30%,其餘33%則没有明確表示,而且整體的平均生活滿意度(6.6)亦低於加國全民的平均數(7.4)(註三)。除此之外,歐洲的跨國移民亦有類同的現象(註四)。

影響外來移民生活滿意度的因素眾多,其中人文資本(human capital)是最主要的因素,因為加拿大、美國、歐洲及澳洲的研究均發現,移民的生活滿意度與他們的人文資本有緊密的關係。具體來說,年青一輩、長者及已婚的移民的生活滿意感比中年和單身的為高,而前者的教育程度、官方語言能力及個人辦事能力愈高,他們的滿意感便愈高(註五至八)。

非正式社會支援(informal social support)是影響外來移民生活滿意度的另一個因素,它包括親友的物質與非物質幫助、鄰居在日常生活的協助、及知心朋友的精神支持。研究結果顯示, 非正式社會支援與移民生活滿意度的關係成正比,換言之,他們定居後與親友和鄰居的接觸愈頻密、得到的幫助或支持便愈多,他們愈感覺生活滿意(註九、十),而且這些滿意感可增强他們的自我評估身心健康和辦事能力(註十一、十二)。

一項新近的研究指出,雖然加國的女性移民的社交活動不如男性的活躍,但透過勞工市場、教育機構、親子計畫、義工服務、社區組織的節目及公共事務等「公民參與」(civic engagement)的活動後,明顯增進她們的生活滿意度和心理健康(註十三)。此外,歐洲的研究亦顯示,不論個人的背景特徵,只要積極參加「政治參與」(political engagement)的活動如投票、助選及出席候選人辯論會等,有助提升移民的生活滿意度(註十四)。





  1. Houle, R. & Schellenberg, G. (2010).  New Immigrants’ Assessments of Their Life in Canada, Social Analysis Division, Statistics Canada, Ottawa, 11F0019M — No. 322, ISSN 1205-9153.

  2.  Frank, K., Hou, F. & Schellenberg, G. (2014).  Life Satisfaction among Recent Immigrants in Canada: Comparisons with Source-country Population and the Canadian-born, Social Analysis and Modelling Division, Statistics Canada, Ottawa, 11F0019M, no. 363.

  3. Ma, Ambrose (2019).  Ethnic Chinese in Canada: Livelihood Strategies, Quality of Life and Happiness, Civic Promoters, Toronto, available at  http://www.civicpromoters.com/?p=2871.

  4. Arpino, Bruno  and de Valk, Helga (2018).  ‘Comparing Life Satisfaction of Immigrants and Natives Across Europe: The role of Social Contacts,’ Social Indicators Research, 137(3): 1163–1184; Kirmanoglu, H. and Baslevent, C. (2014).  ‘Life Satisfaction of Ethnic Minority Members: An Examination of Interactions with Immigration, Discrimination, and Citizenship,’ Social Indicators Research, doi: 10.1007/s11205-013-0276-0.

  5. 同註一。

  6. Marsiglia, Flavio F., et al. (2013).  ‘Acculturation and Life Satisfaction among Immigrant Mexican Adults,’ Adv Soc Work, Spring 14(1): 49-64, PMCID: PMC3881437.

  7. Paparusso, Angela (2019). ‘Studying Immigrant Integration Through Self-Reported Life Satisfaction in the Country of Residence,’ Applied Research in Quality of Life, Vol 14, 478-505.

  8. Khawaja, Nigar G., et al. (2016).  ‘Taiwanese Migrants in Australia: An Investigation of Their Acculturation and Wellbeing,’ Journal of Pacific Rim Psychology, Vol 10, e4: 1-10.

  9. 同註四。

  10. 同註三。

  11. Hombrados-Mendieta, Isabel et al. (2019).’  Positive Influences of Social Support on Sense of Community Life Satisfaction and the Health of Immigrants in Spain,’ Frontier Psychology, https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2019.02555.

  12. 同註一。

  13. Li, Yiyan (2020).  ‘Civic Engagement Wellbeing among Female Immigrants in Canada,’ Canadian Ethnic Studies, Vol 52 (1): 49-72, 10.1353/ces.2020.0006.

  14. Lange, Thomas and Pacheco, Gail (2010).  Political participation and life satisfaction: A cross-European analysis,’ International Journal of Social Economics, 37:686-702, DOI:10.1108/03068291011062489.

  15. Berry, J. and Hou, F. (2016).  ‘Immigrant Acculturation and Wellbeing in Canada,’ Canadian Psychology, 57(4): 254-264, http://dx.doi.org/10.1037/cap0000064; Berry J. and Hou, F. (2017).  Acculturation, ‘Discrimination and Wellbeing among Second Generation of Immigrants in Canada,’ International Journal of Intercultural Relations, Vol. 61: 29-39, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijintrel.2017.08.003.

  16. Ramos, Athena K. et al. (2017).  ‘Sense of Community, participation, and Life satisfaction among Hispanic Immigrants in Rural Nebraska,’ Kontakt, Vol 19(4): e284-e295, http://www.elsevier.com/locate/kontakt; Hombrados-Mendieta, Isabel et al. (2019).  ‘Positive Influence of Social Support on Sense of Community, Life Satisfaction and the Health of Immigrants in Spain,’ Frontier Psychology, 10:2555, doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2019.02555

  17. 有關個人潛質與生活計畫關係可參閲Carney, Dianna (1998).  ‘Implementing the Sustainable Rural Livelihoods Approach’ in Dianna Carney (ed), Sustainable Rural Livelihoods: What contributions can we make? DFID, London, UK; Scoones, Ian (1998).  Sustainable Rural Livelihoods: A framework for analysis, Working Paper 72, IDS, Brighton, UK。 

